How to use a penis pump safely?

penis enlargement pumps

You might be surprised to know that penis pumps are a hugely used device and are no longer a niche product for men. The more people understand what exactly these devices are capable of, the higher their popularity will be.

Penis pumps can be used for a variety of purposes. Some men use them to temporarily increase erections, others use them for potential long-term size gains, and still others use them to treat erectile dysfunction and help them maintain healthy erections during masturbation or sex.

That said, here's a guide on how to safely use a penis pump.

How does a penis pump work?

A penis pump is simply a cylinder that is placed over the penis and uses a pump to create suction within the cylinder. When you pump air or water, depending on the pump, it comes out of the pump and the penis expands in the area created by the negative pressure.

This draws blood into the shaft of the penis and creates a strong erection as there is more blood inside the blood vessels than normal. Once the pressure is released, your penis will gradually return to its normal size, but with the use of a post-pump erection ring, many men find that they can maintain an erection for their entire play session.

With long-term use, some men also find that their size steadily increases.

Unlike most medications, penis pumps are affordable, easy to use, don't require a prescription, and far less dangerous than more invasive treatments.

This does not mean that the use of a penis pump is not associated with risks. They can cause pain, swelling, discoloration, and long-term tissue damage in the penis, but if you know how to use a breast pump correctly, you can easily avoid these problems.

It all comes down to knowing how to use the pump safely, because once done, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Rule No. 1 on how to safely use a penis pump - follow the instructions!

There are literally thousands of different penis pumps, and while they work basically the same, there will be slight differences from pump to pump.

The best way to be safe and avoid injury during extraction is to follow these instructions down to the last detail.

Seeking pump with pressure gauge

Even if you follow the instructions, it's easy to go overboard with leveling, especially if you're new to leveling. I recommend looking for a penis pump with a pressure gauge or vacuum limiter.

The pressure gauge will show you the pressure as you pump so you can keep track of how much you are applying to your penis.

A vacuum restrictor, on the other hand, will prevent pumping by limiting the amount of pressure in the cylinder for you.

Use a comfortable penis pad or pump sleeve

A comfort pillow or penis pump sleeve will add cushioning to the part of the pump that connects to the skin. Penis pumps are complicated!

They are made of hard materials, and unless you have something soft between the skin and the cylinder, they will be quite uncomfortable to use. Too much firmness compared to your sensitive skin can also lead to bruising, making it uncomfortable the next time you express yourself.

The penis sleeve will also help create a strong seal between the pump and the skin. The gasket must be airtight so that sufficient suction can be created inside the cylinder. A sleeve or pad can also help keep the scrotum outside the pump, which is exactly where you want it to be. A pump barrel that is too large can leave room for the balls to suck in, but a sleeve or pad could prevent this.


Another way to keep the seal tight is to cut the pubic hair as short as possible. Ideally, you can also completely shave the area with wax or shave it. But if you cut it, it will help keep it looking nice and durable.

If you find yourself following the instructions and can't make a strong enough press, this could be the cause.

Lube is your friend

Apply a small amount of water-based lubricant around the pad or cuff to create an effective seal between the skin and the pump. Try not to over-lubricate as this may cause too much slipperiness. Apply a small amount first and see how it works.

Find the right size cylinder for your body

Choosing the correct size pump is extremely important to avoid injury. A pump that is too small will not provide enough pressure to change the size of the erection. On the other hand, a pump that is too large will exert too much pressure, as there is a greater risk of pumping. If the pump is too wide, this can also mean that a seal cannot be created and no results are achieved.

Look carefully at the product description and take out the tape measure.

You need to measure your relaxed and erect penis to best determine the size of your pump.

The result is a cylinder that fits snugly while still leaving enough room to grow. And keep in mind that you will actually increase your size by a few centimeters at the most. So don't leave too much room for growth.

Don't overdo it with pumping

This is especially important for beginners as it will be a whole new type of sensation for your penis so you need to take it slow.

When first starting out, do 2-3 pumping sessions per week and don't pump for more than 15 minutes at a time. Once you feel more comfortable with the process and aspiration, you can increase your training frequency and train more frequently.

It is important that your sessions do not exceed 15 minutes, and if you want to make more time, take a break every 10-15 minutes. Relieve the pressure, stretch and massage the penis to recirculate blood and facilitate the pumping process.

Also, be sure to let your penis stop growing between each pump. If you see that your penis is still expanding, don't pump again until it stops. Pumping too long without interruption or pumping too often is the biggest risk when it comes to pumping the penis. This can cause temporary injuries such as blisters, skin discoloration, and penile numbness.

In fact, these are all quite common among those unfamiliar with penis pumping, and while they are temporary, they can be intimidating. If anything happens, you will need to stop pumping and take a break until you are fully recovered.

Rupture of blood vessels is another risk of pumping. If this happens, it will cause instant pain, bruising, and swelling, and may even affect your ability to have an erection for weeks or months. Another fairly common injury caused by excessive inflation is the "donut effect" and I'm sure you can guess what it might look like from the name.

When pumping, blood is sucked into the penis, but lymphatic fluid is also sucked. This is something that happens naturally in the body, but when too much is absorbed by the glans, it can cause swelling that creates a donut-like appearance. While it's usually harmless and temporary, if it doesn't go away on its own, you may need to see a doctor. And of course, if that happens, don't pump until you're completely healed!

While it may sound intimidating, all of this can be completely avoided if you take it slowly and stick to the recommended time per session.

Get a clear pump so you can see what's going on

One of the easiest ways to make sure you don't overdo it is to keep an eye on what's going on and look for any signs of tension on your penis. That is why it is so important to have a pump with a clearly visible cylinder.

Look for signs of discoloration or color spots. There will be some redness, but too much is not good. Also pay attention to how it feels. You will feel suction and pressure, but it shouldn't be uncomfortable and it definitely shouldn't be painful.

In fact, some men find it pleasurable and it feels like a blowjob due to the suction it creates. You should have fun with leveling, and if not, there may be something wrong.

Pay attention to the quick release valve

This is especially important if this is your first pump. Buying a pump with a quick release valve is a vital way to avoid injury.

All pumps have a valve that is used to relieve pressure so you can easily get yourself out of the cylinder. The quick release valve works faster and relieves the pressure almost immediately.

That way, if something hurts, discoloration, or swelling, you can quickly release the pressure and minimize any potential damage.

Some people cannot use a penis pump

It is also important to note that not all people can use a penis pump and there are some conditions where a pump should not be used. The following people cannot use the pumps.

  • Patients with sickle cell anemia or any other disease that causes blood clots or excessive bleeding.
  • Anyone who is taking blood thinning medications.
  • All with priapism.

And, if you are already taking medication for erection problems, consult your doctor to make sure penis pumping is safe for you.


While there seem to be a lot of things to consider, you will find that many of these precautions come naturally to you and you won't need to think about them once you have a few. Follow these simple guidelines on how to use the penis pump safely and enjoy healthy erections and a great sex life.